I am hoping it was a false positive, as this looks sweet!!! I tried the linked one on my laptop, and it crashed half way through installing. Rebooted and met with the blue screen of death. Though, idiotically I just left it on my desk to gather dust for a few months, trying tons to make it come back, nothing worked, I only ever got as far as a frame of the loading screen one time.
A week before my warranty ran out I booted it up again in a last desperate hope and after at least an hour of on and off I got through to the pass screen. Windows 7 users have a lot of personalization options right at their hands, without having to modify system files to do so. Only a dermatologist can tell you what type of skin you have. Some commercial or homemade skin care products consist of: soaps, lotions, creams, lip balms and shampoos.
However, the administration does not actually regulate nor take active participation in monitoring the manufacture or sale of cosmetics to prevent the proliferation of adulterated consumer products in the market. Or will they work as they should? Your email address will not be published. Ankur [ Reply ]. Bob Pinciati [ Reply ]. Kai Hall is ur nan [ Reply ]. Sayalel [ Reply ]. World National Parks was one of the best themes for Windows 10 and now the theme is available on Windows 11 as well.
The theme consists of 18 high-quality images of spectacular national parks from all around the world. The theme is completely free and can be directly downloaded from the Microsoft store. The name says it all, the theme Polar Animals has visually impressive images of snow leopards, polar bears, snowshoe hares, and other snow animals.
If you would like to experience winter vibes right on your desktop then do check out this well-crafted theme. This premium Windows 11 theme consists of 15 idyllic 4k images. Using this theme you can even set a slideshow. If you do so images will automatically change after regular time intervals.
Last on the list of the best Windows 11 themes and skins we have Cosmic Beauty. This free-to-use theme for Win 11 consists of 20 spectacular photos from outer space. These photos feature strange planets, nebula, black holes, quasars, stars, and much more.
You can download Cosmic Beauty directly from the Microsoft store. Next select Themes. You can now apply any of the installed themes on your PC or click on browse themes to find some more themes on the Microsoft Store.
NOTE: Before following this method either create a restore point or an image backup. So if something goes wrong you can always revert back. So these were some of the best Windows 11 Skins and Themes out there. In this case, you will have to download the files individually. You would have the opportunity to download individual files on the "Thank you for downloading" page after completing your download.
Files larger than 1 GB may take much longer to download and might not download correctly. You might not be able to pause the active downloads or resume downloads that have failed. Back Next. Details Version:. File Name:. Date Published:. File Size:. System Requirements Supported Operating System. Install Instructions Select a file to download at the top of this page, or choose a different language from the drop-down list and then click Change.