Kak, saya mau ikut, tapi saya nggak punya background IT nihh.. Anda bisa akses video ini seumur hidup, kapanpun, dan dimanapun. Saya paham banget kalau kecepatan belajar seseorang itu berbeda-beda. Dengan syarat anda harus menyesuaikan waktu dengan schedule yang berjalan di batch tersebut.
Kalau belum bisa, ya tinggal ikut kelas ulang. Berkali-kali pun nggak apa-apa kok. Tenang-tenang, apa yang anda pelajari di Course-Net bukan hanya sekedar konsep aja, melainkan strategi praktis yang terbukti dipakai secara real di dunia pekerjaan.
Jadi masalah-masalah umum yang mungkin anda hadapi, sebagian besar pasti sudah pernah dibahas di kelas. Selain itu kalau memang anda ketemu masalah lain, anda tinggal konsultasi di grup alumni Course-Net Indonesia yang isinya ada seluruh alumni yang sudah bekerja di perusahaan-perusahaan besar termasuk dengan Coach yang ada di Course-Net Indonesia. Ternyata di Course-Net anda bisa membayar full di awal, atau bisa juga membayar secara bertahap sambil belajar. Untuk pembayaran cicilan anda bisa cicilan dengan kartu kredit atau tanpa kartu kredit.
Melalui Danacita, anda bisa apply cicilan untuk bantuan Pendidikan dengan proses yang cepat dan mudah. Saya yakin banget, walaupun sebenarnya anda sudah yakin, pasti anda masih mau pikir-pikir lagi. Bahkan mungkin anda mau banding-banding dengan tempat pelatihan lain. Ingat kelas terdekat akan dimulai dan saya yakin anda sudah lihat kalau promo akan ditutup dalam beberapa hari ke depan.
Jawabannya : Saya tidak tahu pastinya kapan karena kelas di Course-Net selalu full setiap bulannya. Tapi bukan itu yang terpenting. All Rights Reserved — Sitemap.
Skip to content. Dapatkan Harga Khusus Pelajar. Coba pikirkan! Mungkin Anda sedang mengalami hal ini sekarang…. Mungkin Anda sudah melakukan beberapa usaha berikut dan hasilnya sia-sia:. Sudah cari banyak tutorial di youtube tapi bingung karena materi sangat tidak terstruktur.
Belajar dari buku tapi penjelasannya kurang detail dan sulit dimengerti. Ambil online course dari luar tapi pusing sendiri karena pakai Bahasa Inggris. Bingung mau bertanya ke siapa karena tidak punya mentor. Ini adalah waktu yang paling tepat. Tanyakan Syarat Belajar di Course-Net. Hanya di Course-Net, anda akan langsung mendapatkan 8 keuntungan ini:. Module Computer Forensics Investigation Process. Pre-investigation phase Investigation phase Post-investigation phase.
Understanding Hard Disks and File Systems. Storage structure Logical structure of storage system File system concept File signature. Data Acquisition and Duplication. Data acquisition introduction Data acquisition methodology Data integrity.
Defeating Anti-Forensics Techniques. Windows Forensics. Linux and Mac Forensics. Network Forensics. Event correlation Indicator of Compromised IoC. Investigating Web Attacks. Co-founder of Packet Pushers Interactive. Writer, podcaster, and speaker covering enterprise IT. Deep nerdening for hands-on professionals. Find out more at ethancbanks. I took the CEH class about 6 years ago, so I have no doubt the course has changed in that time.
What I disliked about the class was that it spent more time focusing on how to use certain tools than the overall fundamentals. It seemed way too basic considering the exam cost at the time. I would have liked to go into the deeper level classes, but never had the chance to. Again, my experience is a bit dated with the program. And what do Microsoft tests go for now-a-days? I understand that CEH is required for a number of government roles.
So perhaps the price is inflated as a result? If you want something more hard core, then go for the Offensive Security courses they manage the Backtrack Distro. It is nice in that it covers more conceptual topics rather than vendor specific or application specific. As Mrs. Y said, it is in the approved list for DoD certifications. Ethan, Thank you for the detailed outline of the c eh. What is Ethical Hacking? Who can be an Ethical hacker, and what do they do?
By undertaking the 5-day Certified Ethical Hacking certification training, participants will learn about: Ethical Hacking phases that include various attack vectors and preventive countermeasures How hackers think and act to ensure you create a robust security infrastructure to defend attacks Understanding system vulnerabilities and weaknesses across enterprise systems Gain insights on strengthening system security controls to mitigate risks of an incident Acquire the required skills to perform the job of an Ethical Hacker How to provide enhanced security cover for future attacks from cybersecurity breaches ALSO READ: Career opportunities for a Certified Ethical Hacker CEH Who can take up a Certified Ethical Hacking CEH v11 course?
The eligibility criteria to become a Certified Ethical Hacker are that professionals should have at least two years of experience in the Information Security domain.
If the participant has the relevant experience, then they have to submit their eligibility document to the EC Council with a USD non-refundable fee to sit for the exam. The candidate should complete an official EC-Council training from an Accredited Training Centre through the iClass platform, and then the candidate is eligible to take up the CEH exam without going through the application process.
Steps to become a Certified Ethical Hacker CEH v11 As discussed above, there are two ways in which one can become a certified ethical hacker. Duration: 32 Hrs English. Enquire Now. Duration: 40 Hrs English. The Ultimate Guide to Ethical Hacking Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here.