Let's start to create a windows forms application using Visual Studio I have used Visual Studio ,. Net Framework and click "Next". Create a new form and add controls like below, we will add the labels, text boxes, and buttons. Rename the text boxes like txtCarName, txtModel, and txtYear.
Rename the buttons like btnInsert, btnUpdate, and btnDelete. Add the PopulateData method to get the data from the database and populate it in the data grid view. The below code is used to read the values from the text box and insert them into the database table tblCarDetails.
The below code is used to read the values from the text box and update them into the database table tblCarDetails. Below code is used to assigned the selected values into the text box to see them in the controls. NET C. ToString dr["currenttable"] ; Properties. Fill t ; dataGridView1. ExecuteReader ; while dr1. ToString dr1["currenttable"] ; Properties. Fill v ; dataGridView2. Dispose ; Properties. Fill t ; dataGridView2. Run new Roster ; t.
Emp ; dataGridView1. Refresh ; MessageBox. If you update any cell and click the update button, then the database will be updated. To delete, select the rows and then press the Delete key and click the update button; the rows will be deleted. All your insertions, updates, and deletions will be effected by the single button.
View All. Database Updates From DatagridView. Show Cursor. RemoveAt this. Thanks for any help and advice. Fill ds, "e" ; dataGridView1. Update ds, "e" ; MessageBox. GetChanges ; if newDT! Improve this question. TekGiant TekGiant 1, 3 3 gold badges 13 13 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. It looks to me like you're never setting a SQL update statement, only select statements. You'll need to add something in like: sda. Revised: If it were me, I would use SqlCommand for your update statement.
AddWithValue " Value", updatedValue ; cmd. Technically with the using brackets con. Close isn't required. I do it just in case. Revision 2: Ok, I did some more research into SqlDataAdapter and how it functions in regards to a datatable, it looks like this is much easier than I thought. Improve this answer. Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge. Could you possibly revise your answer to include how that would be done specifically?
Furthermore, what I don't understand, is that I saw the code done the way I did it work, and it updated the SQL database in the person's youtube tutorial.