Last edited by XenoZograscope; at AM. Advertisements - Register to remove. Quote: Originally Posted by schnaidt1 wat exactly will be in this update??
Quote: Originally Posted by schnaidt1 oh so ur not making a roster with the rookies. Just uploaded a custom roster I found on 2K Share, its pretty solid with most of the rookies added. When I load it there is a message that says File not loaded. The flie was not created by the current signed in user. Please help me and let me know what I need to do. BB code is On. Smilies are On.
Trackbacks are Off. Pingbacks are Off. Refbacks are Off. All times are GMT The time now is AM. Top -. The players cannot go undrafted in the new NBA 2K Even if they perform extremely bad in their high school and college tryouts, they will be picked in the second round for sure.
More importantly, skipping your pre-professional career will mean you will lose the experience of being drafted. Instead, bypassing everything will require you to simply be on the team of your choice. How do you update the roster on 2K12?
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