You will receive notices by mail to renew approximately 60 days before your license expires. To renew your license, you must complete 5 hours only 2. State and national associations for architects provide opportunities for professional development and networking. They also help set acceptable working conditions for the industry and give information and opinions on policy in California and across the US Their websites may offer useful orientation to the licensing and examination process, including test preparation.
Their employment networks, however, are typically restricted to licensed professionals. It is not a license to practice architecture across the country — it shows that an experienced professional architect has met a high standard of education and practice. Many states consider NCARB certification as meeting their criteria for education and experience, but each state can ask for other requirements before issuing a license. The state of California has a special licensing application process for NCARB-certified architects with active license in another state.
This is an additional process that can help you meet licensing requirements of more states. You can only appeal your evaluation one time. An equivalent degree in another country may take either 3 or 4 years. Examples of credentials are a university degree, a certification, or proof of participation in training. This guide only considers your first US license.
These include the B. Arch, typically five years, and M. Arch, usually between 1. For example, a nurse in the state of X can also work as a nurse in the states of Y and Z without any new training or tests. Foreign degree evaluation is a very important process: your efforts here can result in significant savings of time and money by minimizing the gaps in comparing your degree to its US equivalent. Invest the time and money early to facilitate this process. Wherever you can, provide additional documentation about your program of study, such as syllabi, course descriptions, or a portfolio from your student years.
You need to evaluate whether it is better to make up the deficiencies on a course-by-course basis at a less expensive school, or whether it is a better long-term investment for you to back for further education in a US architectural degree program. Be your own advocate throughout the licensing process. Seek clarification about questions and concerns directly from official sources. Build professional networks; consider temporary or contract employment in your field to build your reputation; be prepared to start at lower levels and prove your ability.
To compete successfully you should work to keep up to date in workplace technologies such as computer-aided design and drafting CADD and Excel; perfect your communication skills for professional emails, reporting, and client contact; learn how to discuss your past work experience in terms of skills you can transfer to new projects, and develop a portfolio of work that highlights your skills.
If you are overqualified for positions, be prepared to explain how the position will help you become established in a way that shows long-term benefit to the employer. California Architect Professional Licensing Guide. Steps to licensing are as follows: I. To read more about this, please go to the Important Links section. Category 1: Pre-Design — hours Category 2: Design — 2, hours Category 3: Project Management — hours Category 4: Practice Management — hours Electives your choice across any set of categories — 1, hours Total: 5, hours You can earn these credits in different types of settings or workplaces.
In order to be eligible for the CSE, you must verify the following: One additional year of work experience under the direct supervision of a U. A job with fewer responsibilities but the ability to participate in the IDP program may offer some distinct advantages: Build job security Polish technology skills Adapt to the US workplace culture in a lower-pressure environment Have more energy left over to focus on preparing licensing exams.
Provide verification of eight years of experience pre- or post-licensure through either work experience or a combination of work experience and education. California does not accept reciprocity for foreign licensed architects. In order to qualify for the NCARB Certification and the Broadly Experienced Foreign Architect Program you must: Have graduated with a professional architecture degree from an architecture program which is officially recognized in your home country Have worked at least seven years in responsible control and unlimited practice as an architect in the country in which you are credentialed.
These include the ARE 4. You need to evaluate whether it is better to make up the deficiencies on a course-by-course basis at a less expensive school, or whether it is a better long-term investment for you to back for further education in a US architectural degree program SPEAK UP Be your own advocate throughout the licensing process.
Upwardly Global Homepage Guidestar Profile. Sign up to receive email updates. First Name. Last Name. News Events weGlo Log In. A professional degree in architecture B.
A professional degree in architecture, where the program has not been accredited by NAAB or CACB and the program consists of at least a five-year curriculum, or units toward such a degree. An associates degree in architecture or technical school certificate in architecture, where the program has not been accredited by NAAB or CACB and the program consists of at least a two-year curriculum, or units toward such a degree.
A degree which consists of at least a five-year curriculum in a field related to architecture or units toward such a degree. A degree which consists of at least a four-year curriculum in a field related to architecture or units toward such a degree. Any university or college degree which consists of at least a five-year curriculum or units toward such a degree. Any university or college degree which consists of at least a four-year curriculum or units toward such a degree.
Any cost of evaluation is the responsibility of the candidate. Foreign college or university degree s will be granted credit based on a comparable US degree. Architects may not submit a Renewal Application and payment more than 90 days before their current license period ends. Please allow up to eight weeks for processing. The most frequent cause of delay in renewal processing is an incomplete Renewal Application.