Save file into database

Configuring Connection string in appsettings. Here in ASP. In this file, we have added ConnectionStrings section inside that we have added DatabaseConnection key and other is value. Registering Dependency injection AddDbContext.

In this part, we are going to register DatabaseContext class as a service for using it as dependency injection, which will be available to the entire application.

We are going to register this service in ConfigureServices Method of startup class. First, we need to read connection string from appsettings. Getting Connection String from appsettings.

Next, we are going to use AddDbContext extension method to register the DatabaseContext in the dependency injection container.

This method is backwards-compatible to SQL Server then register below method. ConfigureServices Method in Startup Class.

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Download Required. What our readers say. Error Details. This site makes use of Cookies. Now let's see the upload, as shown below: We got the file name, as shown below: Content Type is shown below: Let's see the length of that document which is depicted below: Now we will see what we have successfully uploaded.

Conclusion This article was about uploading the files in the database and saving them in a binary format. I hope this article was helpful. Next Recommended Reading. Net Core 6. Value ; cmd. Text ; cmd. ExecuteNonQuery ; con. Redirect Request. ReadBytes CType s. Length, Int32 'fetch connection string from the web. ConnectionStrings "ConnectionStrings". Value cmd. Text cmd. Open 'execute SQL statement cmd. ExecuteNonQuery con. AbsoluteUri End Sub Explanation As you can see in the written code above, first we fetched a name of the uploaded file and stored it in a local variable empFilename, then we fetched and stored the content type of the uploaded file and stored it in variable FileContentType.

Then we read the contents of the file and stored in-stream variables and then created an object of binary reader class that reads primitive data types as binary values in specific encoding and uses that file content and stored binary data in a byte array. Then we have created a database connection and command object as well as prepared a parameterized SQL query for inserting records into the tblEmpIdentity table and passing required parameters with values and executes SQL statement and inserts a record into the SQL server database.

Finally, as per the requirement described above, we need to display uploaded files or documents of the employees into the grid view, so we will fetch all the records from the tblEmpIdentity table and bind those records with the grid view.


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