Make sure the language that you want is enabled. To correctly check the spelling and grammar in a different language, the language must be enabled in Office. If you need a language that isn't listed as an editing language in the Set the Office Language Preferences dialog box, you might need to obtain and install a language pack before you can check the spelling.
For more information on how to enable languages in Office, see Add a language or set language preferences in Office and Language Accessory Pack for Office. Make sure that the correct language is applied to the text. If the spelling checker isn't checking words that you typed in a different language, or if it marks words in a different language that are spelled correctly as misspelled, the words might be identified with the wrong language.
To manually change the language of particular words or a section of text in Word, do the following:. In Word , click Set Language in the Proofing group. Important: If the language that you want is not shown above the double line, you must enable the language for it to be available to check spelling. To switch back to the original language, or to switch to a different language, repeat Steps 1—3.
In Step 3, choose the next language. Make sure that the correct language dictionary is being used. Make sure that the correct dictionary language location is selected for your text—for example, English United States instead of English United Kingdom. To change the dictionary to a particular language in Word , do the following:. Note: If your version of Office does not provide proofing tools, such as the spelling checker, for the language that you want to use, you might need to get a language pack.
For more information, see Language Accessory Pack for Office. Under Mark selected text as , click the language that you want the section of text to be identified as.
If the languages that you use are not shown above the double line, you must enable those languages turn on the language-specific options for them to be available. Make sure that the Detect language automatically check box is selected. To select the Detect language automatically check box in Word, do the following:. In the Language dialog box, select the Detect language automatically check box. Review the languages shown above the double line in the Mark selected text as list.
Word can detect only those languages listed above the double line. If the languages that you need are not available, you must enable the editing language to have Word automatically detect them.
Automatic language detection requires that a sentence of text be written in that language. Depending on the length of your sentences, you might need to type several sentences before Word has enough contextual information to automatically detect the language and apply the correct dictionary. Words that are spelled the same way in several languages, such as "centre" in English United Kingdom and French France might cause the Detect language automatically check box to incorrectly identify the language of text.
To solve this problem, type more words in the language that you want, or clear the Detect language automatically check box. To fix the language formatting in existing documents, select all the text and then reapply English, via the Language dialog box.
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Sometimes, you may encounter a document that spellchecks in a different language other than US English. How does that happen? How can you change it? If the source was in UK English or even something like Spanish, it may maintain that language profile when you open the file up.
There are also hotkeys that you can accidentally activate to switch languages or turn the spell checker on or off.