Windows 8 swap file on ssd

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Page file windows 8. Good size for hiber file windows 8. Change pagefile location windows 8. Individual customice 8. Set page file in windows 8.

How to move the paging file windows 8. Should i disable pagefile in windows 8. Set pagefile size in win 8. Where is paging file win8. Windows 8. Set pagefile size in win8. You'll get the warning below, click Yes. At this point, paging file is disabled entirely on all drives, and Windows relies on your RAM only.

Doing a restart at this point will result in pagefile. Don't restart just yet though. Step 6. While still being inside the Virtual Memory window, click on the partition you want to move the pagefile to and select either System managed or Custom size. Click Set and Ok.

In my case, I selected partition E and set paging to System managed. The end result looked like below. You'll notice the initial pagefile. That's it for Pagefile. Go through Steps 1 to 5 from above. Basically, you are setting No paging file to all partitions. You'll notice both pagefile. If not, you can delete them manually. Step 7. Click Yes if UAC pops up. About us Privacy policy Mailing list Mobile. Board index Software Windows. Windows, SSD's, and the swap file Aranarth Graphmaster Gerbil.

I have 8 gig of ram on my win7 box and an 8 gig swap file that at most has 1gig used. I'm not editing video's, jsut playing games etc. This would allow you to page ram with less performance hit. From what I understand the swap file was disabled primarily because cheaper drives used to be 64 gig or less.

While these days the more common ssd size is gig or more meaning that we are not trying to save every gig of disk space. Your comments please Main machine: Core I7 K 4.

Re: Windows, SSD's, and the swap file Ryu Connor Global Moderator. Most pagefile operations are small random reads or larger sequential writes, both of which are types of operations that SSDs handle well. In fact, given typical pagefile reference patterns and the favorable performance characteristics SSDs have on those patterns, there are few files better than the pagefile to place on an SSD. Are there any concerns regarding the Hibernate file and SSDs?

No, hiberfile. All of my written content here on TR does not represent or reflect the views of my employer or any reasonable human being. All content and actions are my own. Thu Jan 16, pm That's the way I was leaning. I guess changing my current setup and allowing the os to change the swap file size on the fly is probably the best way to do it.

Either that or setting the minimum size to 2gig and the max to 8gig would also be a good idea. If win7 starts giving me a huge swap file I manually limit it to something much smaller. Its too bad the hibernation file can't be moved to another drive, but the other hand the machine should boot fast enough that hibernation might not be worth it Thanks guys!

Thu Jan 16, pm You can shrink the hiberfil. That will make the hiberfil. Firestarter Gerbil Elite. So far everything has worked out AOK though.

Depending on the system, it may be the way to go. When you need a lot of memory, the RAM can get just too expensive, while you can get very good performance with the much cheaper SSD. The much higher throughput of the RAM need not influence the global memory throughput much, since most of the operations get done in memory anyway you could consider the RAM as a sort of cache for the much larger SSD.

The optimum lies quite often somewhere in between i. I've got 64GB in my workhorse machine; can't go any higher. Show 1 more comment. Diogo David Pritchard David Pritchard 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. Windows will not "swap other stuff to disk" in order to make more room for cached data, unless it's really unimportant data.

JamieHanrahan In other words, yes, Windows will swap other stuff to disk in order to make more room for cached data. Why keep lots of really unimportant data in RAM?

That would be foolish. Community Bot 1. Without knowing the detail of the write-wear algorithms, you can't know that a larger partition will help. I was under the impression the write-wear algorithms worked at the page level, regardless of partitioning since the SSD is random-access.

The whole point of those algorithms is to avoid excessive wear so why wouldn't they use the whole drive to spread the writes, even for small partitions? Reliability The following test shows that many of them fail after a while. Sum I would use it as a virtual drive if I really need it, but if it is an available option, just expand your RAM as far as you can in necessity. It's pretty easy to check the IOPS before you buy now. Patrick Regan Patrick Regan 3 3 bronze badges.

Well, if you're not using swap a lot, you won't benefit much from the speed too, so I would prefer leaving the swap in a traditional HD, for wear and space reasons. Martinho Fernandes. This is true. I guess I hadn't thought of it that way. Windows must thrash on something, so thrashing on an SSD is much better than thrashing on a traditional HD ;- If this actually decreases the lifespan of the SSD, so what?

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