Rs232c level converter using transistors

There also some modification from above circuit. For more detail you can download here. This guide helps you to learn and understanding everything you need to know about the Raspberry Pi computer, its background, purpose, system specs, the software it runs and the amazing things it is capable of. EDN magazine provides how-to solutions for design engineers in the electronics industry.

Engineers turn to EDN because they know they will always find valuable design techniques that they can use to do their jobs faster. Subscribe EDN Magazine for free. Home Project Free Magazines. The project use Infra-Red to receive and transmit Data Acquisition. Electronic Kits. Practical PIC Projects. The circuit shown will convert logic level voltages to and from RS serial voltages levels. This little circuit will work with a supply voltage of 3. It derives the negative supply for the RS transmit data from the serial RS receive data line in a parasitic fashion.

This means that the device it's connected to must use voltage levels within the RS specification. You can't for example connect two of these back to back since nothing is supplying the negative voltage. You may find that the reliable transmission over long cables, especially in electrically noisy environments with a 3.

We've successfully used this circuit to transfer a 1. Operating notes. The nF capacitor is used to generate the V supply for transmitting data back to the host. It is charged from the host computers transmit signal coming into the adapter via the 1N diode. For many applications this is a quick and simple way to interface to an RS port, however it isn't a universal solution, therefore if it works for you all's well and good, if not time for a MAX or a similar.

The circuit is so simple you can construct it on some strip board, or even wire it up ' birds nest' fashion. However, for a professional job I've done a PCB layout for it because it's quite a useful adapter to have around.

On the 4-pin connector the signals are:. RS transmit data out 3.


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